23-29 April 2019 Ilmiofuturo hosted a training course in Giulianova for two German schools. Werkstatt-Berufskolleg Unna and INI-berufskolleg. The training course was based on teaching entrepreneurship competence. Entrepreneurship is an essential skill to face the complexity of our times characterized by rapid changes, ambiguity and uncertainty. Entrepreneurship education is considered one of the main priorities of European education systems. Some years ago, the European Union identified the “spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship” as one of the 8 key competences necessary for a knowledge-based society.
The teachers course lasted for a week and started with some basic theory about entrepreneurship. Then they had to do some practical work to understand the theory in a deeper level. This is why the teachers got some exercise and activities to do: field research, empathy map, quick prototyping of business idea. The course had a practical approach, giving participants the possibility to experience smart activities that can be easily replicated with their own students.